Why is Vaping Popular?

Why is Vaping Popular?

From about 7 million in 2011, the number of vape users reached approximately 41 million by 2018. In fact, some predictions say it may hit 55 million by 2021. For Americans, while 1 in every 20 uses vape, 1 in every 3 vape users vape every day. These figures raise one common question – Why is vaping so popular? Expectedly, opinions differ as to why vaping has become this popular. However, this article discusses eight common reasons why vaping has gained so much attention within a remarkably short time. Let’s dive in…

1. Vaporizers are fashionable

The surge in vaping activities can be linked to the typical sleek and discreet designs of vaping devices. Vaporizers come in different forms – from pens to USB designs and everything between. Usually all-black, their attractive appeal does not make them seem as dangerous as traditional cigarettes. But, the fact is, many pods in vape devices come with as much nicotine as cigarette delivers – perhaps, even more.

Besides the sleekness, its portable and discreet appeal has won vaporizers many fans. Vaping occurs without the lingering offensive smell that trails cigarette smoking. While this odorless feature sounds a better deal than cigarettes, it makes it easy for peoples – particularly teens – to get away with their regular secret vaping, hence, increasing their health risks.

2. They are addictive

Vaporizers’ increasing popularity may also be traced to e-liquid’s addictive properties, chiefly nicotine, which is also the main addictive compound in your traditional cigarettes. After repeat usage, too often, users become addicted. Most vapes purposefully contain these addictive substances that mimic the traditional cigarette, as it is thought to help nicotine addicts quit the ‘more dangerous’ cigarettes for ‘less harmful’ vapes. While inhalation is in no way healthy, the primary argument against vaping is the nicotine’s high-addiction tendency. Plus, studies say nicotine may affect teens’ brain development. Besides, some researchers say exposure to nicotine cause sensitivity to future substance use disorder. Eventually, an attempt to quit vapes may become as tricky as with quitting cigarettes. Restlessness, sleepiness, anxiety, nervousness, and

fatigue are typical nicotine withdrawal symptoms with both tobacco and vapes. Besides that inhalation is generally harmful, vaping may get you as addicted as tobacco does. While some proponents of quit smoke have traced some adverse health concerns to nicotine product consumption, experts call for more research to ascertain whether these problems are caused by nicotine or some other ‘hidden’ components in cigarettes.

3. Vaping is relatively cheap

Lately, cigarettes are notably more expensive than vaping. A cigarette pack costs somewhere around two dollars in the 80s; currently, a good pack costs anywhere around 20 to 30 dollars. Inflation, hike in production cost, distribution cost, and taxes are typical factors responsible for this increase. Hence, you may need as much as 500 dollars to maintain a pack-a-day smoking routine – excluding the cost of vape accessories such as ashtrays, lighters, etc. Vaping is different. Although an entry-level starter kit may cost some dollars more, an average vaper spends just about a hundred dollars monthly. Although vaping involves cost components such as batteries, cartomizers, and e-juices, they shouldn’t exceed $20 and $50, collectively.

4. Social perception

Over time, smoking has attracted negative reviews from society for several reasons. The smell, cost, and particularly health implications and applicable cost are typical factors that portray cigarettes negatively. Cigarette smokers are usually limited as to where they can light up – even at parties. Cigarette smoking can also rub off on your social activities. For instance, it’s scarce for a nonsmoker to date a tobacco smoker. Smoking can also ruin job prospects as hirers are increasingly more critical about smokers. From these, vapes seem to have better social angles over traditional smoke. Vaping is a cool way to enjoy your nicotine through inhalations but not with socially perceived irresponsible and intrusive methods.

5. Health

Although there’s little research on the potential health problems with vaping, even common knowledge think inhaling chemical-packed tobacco smoke is more dangerous to your health than inhaling the vapor. Researchers found that traditional cigarettes expose users to throat cancer, lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, pneumonia, and many health concerns.

6. Advanced technology

Initially, e-cigs were relatively few, and hence, users’ choices were widely limited. Over time, the options on the market broadened – both for the vape devices and their accessories, including tanks, coils, and juices. This technological shift gave the vape devices a good visual lift and unique attraction. For the creative and curious minds, the dismantlable vaporizer can be interesting to disassemble and rebuild. This alone adds fun to your vaping game. As with a car owner who loves mechanical fixes, vaporizers can be a bundle of fun.

7. Makes your leisure

Modern life is a hell load of stress. De-stressing seems the absolute best thing to do after a tough day. While activities like reading, hill climbing, running, and yoga are common ways to unwind and relax, vaping may help.

Against widespread perception, not all vaporizers contain nicotine. Some are primarily for recreational purposes without nicotine.

8. The quit-smoke campaign

Some proponents of the quit smoke campaign recommend vaping as a more viable strategy to quit. These advocates believe since going ‘cold turkey’ on your nicotine consumption is, too often, not sustainable, a smoke-to-vapor switch over may be less damaging. For this, there’s an exodus from cigarette to vaping. summarily While little is yet known about vaping, experts believe it is a safer way to satisfy nicotine cravings. Among many reasons, vaping has gained an increasing fan-base for its acclaimed less-harmful, more discreet, and more stylish appeal. Indeed, vaping ‘looks’ safer than tobacco and a commonly recommended cessation strategy. But, there’s a need for caution. Besides, vaping is still relatively new, hence, under-researched.